Geoff Cordwell's ACCA Advanced Performance Management Course
You can feel confident of passing this exam with Geoff Cordwell

The Mock Exam

This is a specifically created mock exam for the APM paper and will provide vital practice and feedback after your preparation is completed. Marked by Geoff Cordwell the mock includes WhatsApp support and video feedback.
Mock Exam - What You Get!
Mock Exam
The mock exam contains three brand new questions all written by Geoff Cordwell using his ex examiner skills and knowledge. It will mirror the current examiner style and approach. Perfect preparation.
Exam Standard Marking
Your script will be marked to APM exam standard and feedback provided along with an appropriate mark.
Personal Video Debrief
A personal Video Debrief giving personal feedback on your script question by question. Just what you need.
Mock Exam Video Debrief
The mock exam will be fully debriefed on video by Geoff Cordwell, including guidance on the meaning of the questions and the reasoning behind the answer.
Top Exam Tips
Get better at understanding what the examiner is looking for and communicating better to score more marks.
Final post mock guidance
My top tips for what to focus on in the final few days
Revision Question Debrief
Get better at understanding what the examiner is looking for and communicating better to score more marks.
The descriptions above are indicative of what you will receive but not an undertaking to deliver a certain number of contact hours.
You must buy this product before the submission deadline to receive the exam.
Please contact Geoff Cordwell if you want this exam after the submission deadline.