Geoff Cordwell's ACCA Advanced Performance Management Course
You can feel confident of passing this exam with Geoff Cordwell

Video Exam Kit

Allow me to introduce by video exam kit. The kit contains 37 past exam questions all debriefed and demonstrated by Geoff Cordwell. The video exam kit is designed to be an affordable alternative to a full revision course.
Video Exam Kit - What You Get!
Video Exam Kit available now
Each streamed debrief video takes you through the question, the requirements, the key points and my own answers. The videos show you how to:
Properly read the requirement, identify and understand the verbs used and comment on what that means to your answer style
Avoid the common pitfalls in reading a requirement
Identify the relevant aspects of the main body of the question and show you how to add value to these points to score marks
Write effectively. All the answers are Geoff’s own answers, and all are achievable in the exam time allowed and sufficient to get a strong pass mark
Layout an answer well with a good use of headings and structure
Every question is video debriefed on an on demand basis. Watch as many times as you like before your exam.
All questions are answered on word processor and the Test Reach spreadsheet. Perfectly understandable if you’re doing paper based though.
Includes an optional digital copy of the latest Kaplan's Revision Kit, if you do not already have one.
PDFs of all questions are included.
Includes What’sApp support direct to Geoff Cordwell for queries concerning the questions
The descriptions above are indicative of what you will receive but not an undertaking to deliver a certain number of contact hours.